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Presenting: “coastDat” – Data bank from the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht

Both historical information on climate and current weather forecasts are important sources of information for the installation of offshore wind farms. In the article "Climate services for marine applications in Europe” (published 2015 in the online journal Earth Perspectives), Ralf Weisse and his colleagues describe the benefits of the “coastDat” data bank from the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (Centre for Materials and Coastal Research).

The principal finding is that information from “coastDat” proves to be very useful for both research and commercial purposes. After all, approximately 45% of the 80 “coastDat” users that registered in 2014 are from the industry. At the same time, the users do no just come from the renewable energy sector, but also from ship building or coastal protection sectors.

